Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Summer Vacation 2010 Part III -- The Netherlands

E, S and Baby M, who is 18 months and very mobile. And cute.
French fries with lots of mayonaise at Kijkduin beach.
Mother and daughter in purple.
S and E with cousin B on the beach at sunset. This is 9 pm and it won't be dark for another hour at least. E in a dress from Costa Rica from Nana.
Visiting Nelleke, Peter & family. They are old friends form Cairo (Sinterklaas Committee), now stationed in Sudan, and in Holland to deliver their third child. What a beauty!
More new baby visits though this sweet girl was born a while ago.
The daughter of my high school friend Mark and his wife Vera.
No trip to Holland is complete without a visit to our friends from the Montessori school. We were lucky with beautiful weather and walked to the beach in our old neighborhood.
Waves! A little different from the swimming pools in Cambodia or the lake at Deep Creek. But so much fun that everyone swam until their lips turned blue. Hot chocolate at De Kwartel next!

Oma and Opa are treating the kids and grandkids to a visit to Circus Renz in Scheveningen!

What was more fun? The elephants, the clowns, the acrobats or maybe the horses?

The cotton candy and pony rides were awesome, but so were the
cool light up spin around torches that Aunt Jantineke bought.


Cana-Ventures said...

Eveline, love the pics from this summer!Especially the ones from Kikudin and Holland, with all the family. Now that we've been there, it seems so familiar. We can't wait to visit again! And of course the annual retreat to the lake...wonderful pics of wonderful memories...thanks! U. John

Eveline said...

Thanks John, we love your visits to the lake. They really mean a lot to us. Lets hope you get to come back to Holland soon too with us there.... Love, Ev