Sunday, January 16, 2011

First Day of School 2010/11

After a wonderful summer it is time to head back to Cambodia to start another year at school. Jim at the ISPP secondary, Eveline at Gecko & Garden Pre-School and the girls at the ISPP elementary and de Wieken. That's a lot of school schedules to keep track off! The girls are ready though with new shoes, haircuts, and big smiles!
S with her fourth grade (groep 6) teacher, Ms. Jo. This is the first time since pre-k at CAC that S has an American classroom teacher again. Ms. Jo actually worked at CAC but before our time.
E with Ms. Nikki, her Reception (Kindergarten/groep 2) teacher. Ms. Nikki is from Australia and very sweet. E loves being in her class.
E and M back in the same class. This will be their third year together which is impressive at an international school! Here's to another successful school year!

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