Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Summer Vacation 2010 Part II -- The USA

Hello Summer 2010! Tubing on the lake in Dad's new boat.
Dara, our previous babysitter from Cambodia came to visit us. She now works as an au pair near Boston. We all miss her tons and are so happy she could visit us.
Lets go FAST!!
It is chilly here when you get out of the water. We have gotten so used to warm weather and water in Cambodia!
We went hiking at Swallow Falls with Dara.
Time for a snack.
Family photo with the tall fall in the background.
All the snow from last winter made the falls and water high.
Back at the house. Nothing better than a free kayak ride!
Dara and Charlotte together at the lake. Two worlds colliding. Dinner at Steve Senior's house.
One last boat trip before Dara has to fly back to Boston!

Happy Fourth of July!
The annual Fourth of July MMLane parade! Complete with decorated
bikes,homemade necklaces, painted faces and people on stilts.
Jim proudly riding his new bike, named "The Kennedy" after playing
football by bike, much like the Kennedy's did once upon a time.
Part of the parade!

Watching Holland play another victory during this sweet World Cup.
Our friends B and E in Baltimore were happy to go orange with us when we visited them.

S has watched every game possible and kept score in her sticker book.
The final against Spain has just started here.
Intense game. Almost too hard to watch...

We ran into Bill at the Dulles airport when we arrived this summer. It had been 4 years since had seen him. We had just arrived from our detour to Holland and Bill had come in from India. We were able to convince Bill to come see us with Donna at the lake to catch up and rehash Cairo stories. They arrived just in time for the final and effectively consoled us with some wine and funny stories after Holland's loss to Spain.

Chef Jim cooking up a storm. The part of the deck behind him has a
restored buffet but the roof was installed later that summer.
Lets hope winter 2010/11 will do less damage to our lake house.

We are going on a hike to Swallow Falls because it is Nana's birthday.
Birthday picnic lunch by the falls.
Cake and presents tonight after a bbq dinner.
Birthday girl and two of her granddaughters.
Jim, Cathy and S at the top of the falls.
We still need to find one of the boxes hidden by the falls.

Can you read it again please Uncle John?

We're going on adventure with Kim and the kids. Drive to the river, hike down and cross the railroad, reach the river bank, swim in the water falls and have a picnic. Bask in the sun on a rock and listen to the silence of nature. Pure heaven on earth.
The current is strong in this part of the river. Swim baby, swim!

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