Thursday, March 3, 2011

Gecko & Garden Pre-School Staff Field Trip to Kampot

Every year the staff from G&G goes on a field trip. Everyone brings her husband or fiancee, kids come along too. It's only one night away but months of planning, thought and discussion go into this. Last year it was the beach, this year I convinced the staff to go to Kampot and have the whole weekend planned ahead of time and contained to one simple resort on the river. It turned out to be a hugh success. They loved the kayak relay races, the buffet style lunches and dinner, and the night time boat ride to see phosphorous fish and fireflies by moonlight. S&E know the staff well by now and I think their favorite part was jumping from the porches overhanging the river. My favorite part? That a group of teachers insisted on going to the market to buy dried fish to bring home to their families. That and my one hour run through the rice fields in complete solitude. Well, me, the stray dogs and a couple of Cambodian kids on bikes.
The kayak relay races were so refreshing. These women and men love to laugh and be silly, reminding me of my parents and how they would laugh with tears streaming down their faces with friends when I was a little girl.
E jumping into the river. Over and over and over.
Fearless five year old!
S gets along well with the owners daughter M.
They are taking a plunge together here.
The staff took the bus there and back. I opted for the bus on the way there and joined my family in our car on the way home. I can only take so muck Khmer karaoke!
Our trustworthy little Rav4. Right outside Les Manguires Resort.
Cambodian countryside towards the end of the rainy season. The rice fields are a beautiful color green and stretch on for miles. Water buffalo are everywhere.

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