Monday, April 26, 2010

Knai Bang Chatt - Oasis of peace

Sunset as viewed from the pool. Staying at Knai Bang Chatt always guarantees a peaceful and relaxing stay. We really were ready for it the weekend of International Women's Day which we spent at a guest house in very Khmer style with all of E's staff from Gecko & Garden. Two nights at KBC to celebrate J's bday was our treat.

It's not a vacation without a good book and a hammock!

Family photo opportunities. Happy Birthday J.

Cambodia Country Club

S had been taking riding lessons at CCC about a year ago. After the club moved to a new facility she stopped riding for a while (high fees, no shade), but we recently decided to try it again. There is still virtually no shade but the fees are down and S really loves it. Her favorite horse is May.

Riding on Georgette. Lessons are Sunday morning at 9:00. The earlier the better to avoid the most intense heat, but it means leaving home at 8:15 on mom and dad's day off.... not always easy.
E's turn on May. E tried one lesson and enjoyed walking but thought it was too bouncy overall. She did enjoy the accessories: riding cap, riding pants (ones outgrown by S), and a horse t-shirt. E is going to try again in a year or so.

Beijing Trip Part Two

Here are a few more pictures of our trip to Bejing. This photo was taken at the Summer Palace. It was a magical place to visit--spacious, mystical, and very large. We could all imagine the emperors escaping the confines of the Forbidden City.

Here's another shot of the Great Wall. It was so amazing to walk on this structure. As great as the pyramids and Angkor Watt. It was my favorite site we visited this trip.

We hiked up to the wall and are planning our route here. We took the tobagen down to the bottom which was so much fun!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Trip to Beijing, China

It is very quiet outside as I write this post. Every Cambodian is visiting their home province for Khmer New Year this week. Normally scooters are whizzing by our house but today all is calm. We are happy to be home, unpacking, after a great five day trip to Beijing. We have always wanted to visit China, S just studied structures at school and learned a lot about the Great Wall and E just started a unit about journeys. All good reasons for a trip. We stayed with our Dutch friend Mike and his girlfriend Vivienne. Mike teaches in Beijing and we know him from Cairo.
It was very cold while we were in Beijing--we were prepared though with hats and jackets. One day the high was 9C. Of course Phnom Penh was baking in its steady 35C so our bodies were in a bit of a shock. The cool temperatures reminded the girls of Holland.

We took a rickshaw ride through the traditional Hutong alleys of Beijing near Hohai Lake. E is wearing a panda hat that we bought her on Tiannaman Square the first day and that she wore every minute we were outside after that. S favored a french barret that she wore even inside.